Is it possible to have a different filename than bnd.bnd for the main projects .bnd file?

The reason I ask is this: freemarker/osgi.bnd at 2.3-gae · apache/freemarker · GitHub

I want to import that project since I want to do some debugging there. In the pre-bndtools past when we used Eclipse-PDE I could just import this project into Eclipse and it worked. Now with a bnd workspace it is not soo easy.

I got it working by

  • copying the folder into my bnd workspace
  • renaming the file from osgi.bnd to bnd.bnd + some minor modifications

My question is now:

  • is this the correct way?
  • or can I somehow use the original name osgi.bnd somehow

Based on the response here I might suggest a PR in the original freemarker project, to make it work with bndtools in a bnd workspace too.

For Bnd Workspace builds, the presence of bnd.bnd in a folder indicates that the folder is project. So it must be called bnd.bnd.

For non-Bnd Workspace builds like Maven or Gradle (and even Ant), you can tell Bnd the name of the bnd file to use.

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I opened a PR in freemarker to create a bnd.bnd to make importing this project in Eclipse easier.

FYI: My PR got merged. So next freemarker release will be easier to be used in a bnd workspace :slight_smile: