I’m trying to derive a minimal stand alone project that uses:
- bnd-testing-maven-plugin
- osgi-test
I’m using the example at https://github.com/osgi/osgi-test/tree/main/examples/osgi-test-example-mvn what runs fine when executed with mvn verify
so one could assume that it somehow works and everything is setup as required.
Still using this to create a standalone-example seems to fail and neither the documentation nor the debug output gives appropriate hints how to proceed here.
What I have tried so far is available here: https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.jpa/tree/osgi-test-setup/pax-jpa-itest
It contains the following steps:
- JUnit 5 + osgi-test depedencies (no other dependencies right now to keep it simple)
- a simple test.bndrun file (the goal is to derive as much things as possible as no BND-IDE is used)
to package the test-classes in a jar (this works and seems to produce a jar with proper manifest)bnd-resolver-maven-plugin
to calculate the dependencies- disables
to run the integration tests
Sadly it already fails at step (4)
[ERROR] Resolution failed. Capabilities satisfying the following requirements could not be found:
⇒ osgi.identity: (osgi.identity=pax-jpa-itest)
Here I’m a bit stuck, as would understand any dependency not found but here it seems the test-probe itself is not found.