OSGi Summit at OCX 2024

Hi all,

I have some great news to share with you all! The call for proposals is now open for the OSGi Summit at OCX 2024. This is a great opportunity to share your OSGi knowledge and experiences with the wider community, and we’re looking for talks in a variety of topic areas:

  • Specifications - Talks about recent and upcoming specifications
  • User Journeys - Talks about users’ experiences building solutions with OSGi
  • Tools and Development - Talks about how to get the best development experience with OSGi
  • Open Source and Community - Talks about what’s going on in open source related to OSGi
  • Other Cool Stuff - Talks that don’t fit into any of the above categories

We look forward to seeing your proposals, and to seeing you in person in Mainz in October.

All the best

Tim Ward

OSGi Specification project lead


As we have forgot to mention in Tim’s post, you will also find find most of the bnd and PDE/tycho Community at the Summit.

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As a Reminder to anybody:

The CFP for the OSGi Summit is open until the 24th of June.

If you have topics you may want to place in the OCX in general, time is running out as the deadline is some time on Monday the 1th of June.

Note: If I understand the Organizers from the Eclipse Foundation we depend on with the OSGi Summit, only the Main speaker of a talk will get a free access pass. So please plan accordingly. We tried, but we couldn’t influence that decision.

The schedule of the OSGi Summit @ OCX 2024 is final now.

The videos of the OSGi Summit 2024 at OCX in Mainz are now live: